EHS Policy

Anupam Rasayan India Limited, are committed to high standards of Environmental, occupational Health and Safety (EHS) performance. We are conscious of our responsibility towards creating, maintaining and ensuring safe and clean environment; reduce health and safety hazards through application of efficient technology and safe work practices for sustainable development.

We are committed to:
 Ensure compliance with all applicable environmental, health, safety and legal laws and regulations in our country and remain a responsible corporate member of society.
 Prevent and manage EHS risk through adoption of elimination, substitution, reduction, recycling, reuse and recovery of waste (gas, solid, liquid) at source.
 Follow safe work practices and continual improvement in performance and
effectiveness of environmental, health and safety system by setting up, meeting and reviewing of EHS standards.
 By adopting energy conservation, reduction of waste through 3R methodology, mitigation of climate change risks and its threats to biodiversity, through all our process operations thereby integrating sustainability into our  business operations
 Inculcate awareness and culture of environment, health and safety in every employee through education, training and motivation.
 Strive to continuously improve EHS performance by employing sustainable practices to optimize consumption of natural resources like water, energy consumption etc. and to further prevent local as well as global pollution of air, water, land, noise etc.
 Protect employees, communities and the environment,
o By reducing the quantity of emissions, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
o By developing opportunities for recycling and pollution prevention and
o Effective utilization of paper, energy, water and other resources;
 Partner with our clients to ensure that we manufacture, safe sourcing and distribution of products, meet all required safety regulations, and identify opportunities to further minimize their environmental impact;
 Ensure safe practices for all activities of contractors and sub-contractors wherever applicable, to reduce the EHS impact of our products throughout their lifecycle.
 Ensure manufacturing processes are inherently safe by implementing robust process Safety Management (PSM) systems to prevent any potential incident.
 Continually improve emergency response procedure & business continuity plans.
 Make EHS policy available to all our employee, business associates, society and all related stake holders.