Human Rights Policy


Anupam Rasayan India Limited (the “Anupam RasayanCompany”) strives to spread awareness among its sphere of influence, including its employees, internal stakeholders other than employees, and external stakeholders (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Stakeholders”) about their rights and responsibilities towards ensuring non-violation of human rights.

This Human Rights Policy (the “Policy”) is framed to codify the framework of rights and responsibilities of the employees towards the Company and each other, rights and obligations of the Stakeholders and the responsibilities of the Company towards its Stakeholders.


This Policy shall uniformly apply to all the Stakeholders of the Company.


All the employees of the Company shall be responsible to protect its reputation, to ‘do the right thing’ and shall ensure that there is no violation of human rights. Further, in respect of any business relationship of the Stakeholders with the Company, we also expect our Stakeholders to protect and respect the ethos of human rights and fair treatment to all the human beings throughout the value chain.


Every human is entitled to human rights, independent of race, religion, caste, gender, political opinion, social status, or other characteristics.

The Company is committed to ensuring the exercise of rights by

o all its Stakeholders with respect to:

-     freedom of speech and expression;

-     freedom to observe any religion or conscience;

-     protection and privacy of the information collected of the Stakeholders

o and employees with respect to:

-     freedom  of  assembly  and  formation  of  groups  provided  no  such  group  acts  abusively  or

discriminatory towards the other employees;

-     personal privacy;

-     equal opportunities at work based on skill and expertise.

The Company believes that being proactive on human rights makes not just good business sense but also morally the right thing to do. The Company is sensitive of its role in contribution towards advancing and practising human rights within its spheres of influence and the benefits such an approach can have on its people and businesses. The Company ensures its supports in the protection of human rights and must not be complicit in abuses of human rights.

The Company shall comply with all the applicable laws and regulations wherever it operates. The

Company acknowledges the national and international codified law on human rights. Other applicable Anupam Rasayan codes and policies are as follows:

  •  AnupamCode of Conduct for its employee
  •  Vigilmechanism or Whistle Blower Policy1
  •  SexualHarassment Redressal Policy
  •  Environment,health and safety policy
  •  CorporateSocial Responsibility Policy2

❖       Work culture and compensation

The Company is committed to maintaining in its dealing with all its Stakeholders a policy of non- discrimination, protection from any abusive act against its Stakeholders. All the Stakeholders must be treated with dignity and respect. All the permanent or contract basis employees shall not be subjected to abuse or harassing work environment at the workplace.

We believe in augmenting the culture of our organisation through diversification in human resources. We practice no discrimination based on religion, caste, creed, gender, ethnic group, colour or race during appointment/recruitment procedure and promotion, increments, bonuses or in providing compensation and any other benefits to the employees. We pay fair and performance-linked compensation which meets or exceeds the legal and industry norms.

We believe in providing equal employment opportunities to everyone irrespective of gender, caste, religion and any discriminatory factor.

The Company assumes the responsibility for the safety of its employees, neighbours, and any other person around its area of operations, its sites and safe transport system.

The Company has in place the systems for maintaining the confidentiality and safety of the sensitive data of the Stakeholders.

❖       Product Impacts

We always strive to arrange product solutions that contribute to sustainability for sustainable development. By doing so, we are minimising the risk of harming the environment and people around us.

❖       Anti- Corruption

Corruption obstructs the realisation of human rights, and thus, the Company focuses on a non-tolerant attitude towards corruption. The Company values ethical behaviour and encourage the practice in its workforce.

In case of any violation by any Stakeholders associated with our organisation, disciplinary action will be taken according to the framework outlined in this Policy, Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower policy1. Employees shall additionally be governed by the ‘Employees Code of Conduct’ as imbibed in the Company’s ‘Human Resource’ policy.

1 Vigil or Whistle Blower Policy may be referred to at - mechanism-policy/

2 CSR policy may be referred to at -

Additionally, the senior management shall make efforts to undertake third party audits and certificates wherever feasible to establish the sanctity of the anti-corruption systems and measures put in place by the Company.

❖       Child & Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

The Company strictly follows the policy of no child labour, forced labour and discourages human trafficking.

❖       Collective Bargaining

There are no areas in the Company’s operations where the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk for its employees where, long term settlements are considered equivalent to collective bargaining agreements as we do not have trade unions.

❖       Business Partners

We know the human-rights related risks in our business relationships. Wherever any instance of breach of human rights will come to our knowledge, we will urge to end the same promptly.

❖        Communities and Indigenous People

Anupam Rasayan sees itself as a good neighbour, respecting the rights of local residents and contributing to the local region’s development.


We observe the following as part of our human rights due diligence,

  •  Commitmentto respect human rights;
  •  Establishing awareness-raising programs;
  •  Assessingthe human rights impacts in our organisation;
  • Trainandnurture the employees to do the right thing and to ensure the non-violation of human rights;
  •  Grievanceredressal mechanism.

Violation of the Human Rights Policy by Stakeholders will be considered as misconduct and will be dealt with as per disciplinary procedures of the Company.

We continuously strive to improve the human rights due diligence process in an inclusive manner.